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Codeoupler Webpack Boilerplate Features

If you are using the boilerplate the following features are configured:

Auto Format

Whenever you save a file it will be checked (ESLint) and formatted (Prettier). Some defaults are:

  • Tabsize: 2
  • Line Widths:
  • Default: 80
  • For Markdown: 100
  • For HTML and Vue: 120

Lint Before Checkin

Before any commit, staged .ts, .vue, .js and .css files inside the src folder will be checked by the associated linter. If any of these checks fail (process exits with non-zero code), the commit will be aborted. So you have first to cleanup your code and your repository never receive ugly code.

If many files have to be fixed you can use the command npm run lint:fix to try to fix all the files at once automatically.

Note: GIT commits will ignore the dist, the node_modules folder and any packages generated by npm pack.

Strip Debuging Output in Production

Whenever you want to output some debugging messages to the console just use console.debug(). These statements will be removed if you compile for production.