CodeCoupler Webpack Import CSS Standard Files
All imported CSS files will be bundled in one file into the dist
folder. The name specified in the
will be used as filename comibined with an hash value 1. You can also change the
filename in bundle.cssName
(see Configuration Reference
). To
require a CSS file just put an import "./path/to/your/file.css";
in any of your JavaScript or
TypeScript files.
You can use modern and pure CSS without thinking about vendor prefixes or browser inconsistencies. Read more about all the modern CSS you can use here: preset-env
Your CSS will be:
- converted and extended with polyfills (postcss-preset-env)
- extended with vendor prefixes (autoprefixer) based on your targeted browsers specified in
- optimized and minimized (cssnano)
- a copyright banner will be added (BannerPlugin)
- and finally a Source Map file will be created if in developing mode 2.