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Importing SVG

We have already seen that SVG files are included as assets just like images (or any other assets). However, since SVG are treated specially, we will dedicate a separate chapter to these asset type.

Let's copy some of the Bootstrap icons from the package into our src directory for demonstration purposes:

cp node_modules/bootstrap-icons/icons/award.svg src/images/
cp node_modules/bootstrap-icons/icons/bootstrap.svg src/images/
cp node_modules/bootstrap-icons/icons/code.svg src/images/
cp node_modules/bootstrap-icons/icons/database.svg src/images/

Let's write again a HTML file:


<strong>Left: local file / Right: node package</strong><br />
<hr />
Using &lt;img&gt;-Tag:<br />
<img src="images/bootstrap.svg" height="32px" />
<img src="~bootstrap-icons/icons/bootstrap-fill.svg" height="32px" />
<hr />
Using SVG code:<br />
<span class="my-svg-1"></span>
<span class="my-svg-2"></span>
<hr />
Using SVG code with ID from Sprite:<br />
<span class="my-svg-3"></span>
<span class="my-svg-4"></span>
<hr />
Using ID from Sprite:<br />
<svg width="32px" height="32px"><use xlink:href="#database--sprite"></use></svg>
<svg width="32px" height="32px"><use xlink:href="#database-fill--sprite"></use></svg>

And a JavaScript file:


import htmlTemplate from "./amazing-button-svg.html";
import awardSourceLocal from "./images/award.svg?source";
import awardSourcePackage from "bootstrap-icons/icons/award-fill.svg?source";
import codeSpriteLocal from "./images/code.svg?sprite";
import codeSpritePackage from "bootstrap-icons/icons/code-slash.svg?sprite";
import "./images/database.svg?sprite";
import "bootstrap-icons/icons/database-fill.svg?sprite";
export default class {
  constructor(element) {
    console.debug("Starting Import SVG");
    element.innerHTML = htmlTemplate;
    // Import SVG code and inject into DOM:
      .insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", awardSourceLocal);
      .insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", awardSourcePackage);
    // Create SVG code with ID from sprite:
      `<svg viewBox="${codeSpriteLocal.viewBox}" height="32px">
      <use xlink:href="#${}" />
      `<svg viewBox="${codeSpriteLocal.viewBox}" height="32px">
      <use xlink:href="#${}" />

Let's add another container in which we will start the SVG importing application:


import createTestContainer from "./create-test-container";

import { default as MyVanillaApp } from "./amazing-button-vanilla";
import { default as MyPackagesApp } from "./amazing-button-packages";
import { default as MyImportApp } from "./amazing-button-import";
import { default as MySvgApp } from "./amazing-button-svg";

import "./style.css";

createTestContainer("Testing Vanilla JS", "test-container-vanilla");
let myVanillaInstance = new MyVanillaApp(
myVanillaInstance.maximumNumber = 99;

createTestContainer("Testing Packages", "test-container-packages");
let myPackagesInstance = new MyPackagesApp(
myPackagesInstance.maximumNumber = 49;

createTestContainer("Testing Import HTML/CSS/Assets", "test-container-import");
let myImportInstance = new MyImportApp(
myImportInstance.maximumNumber = 79;

createTestContainer("Testing Import SVG", "test-container-svg");
new MySvgApp(document.getElementById("test-container-svg"));

When you run npm run start you should see the running example in your browser.

The easiest way to embed an SVG graphic is to use the <img> tag. We will only briefly outline the other import options here:

  • You can import the source code of a SVG file and use this to inject it into the DOM.
  • You can import the SVG into a global sprite in which all used SVG files will be loaded and then use the ID to diplay the SVG.