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CodeCoupler UI System Wide Settings

Over the property this.settings any component get access to the system wide settings specially prepared for the current instance.

System wide settings will be used in all components within one system. Basically you will find here settings for universal functions like blocking a component or showing hints etc. But all texts used by components are also defined here so that they can all be translated in one place.

The default values of these settings for each new system instance can be defined over the static property System.settings. Read in CodeCoupler UI System the chapter "Default System Wide Settings" for more details.

Each component started in a system will inherit the system wide settings from its parent component merged with the property settings of its start configuration object. Thus the settings can be overwritten for each one component (and of course its children).

The settings that will be accessible over this.settings is always a clone. Thus they can be modified by the component and do not affect other sttings of other components. You can access the settings of the parent component over this.env.parent.settings.

Default System Wide Settings

The default values of the system wide settings for each new system instance can be defined over the static property System.settings. The settings are:

language string

Only experimetial in version 2! For now only de-DE partly implemented

If set, all external libaries will be switched to this language. Noted as four letter code like de-DE.

preloader Object

Default settings of the preloader function. Please read the details of this object in the documentation of the preloader() method of the Component class.

block Object

Block settings. Please read the details of blocking methods in the documentation of the Component class.

block.message Object

Default configuration for blocking messages. Details on this configuration object can be found here: BlockUI Configuration

block.error Object

Default configuration for blocking error messages. Details on this configuration object can be found here: BlockUI Configuration

messages Object

All messages used by the system, components or any other functions. You can find an overview of all default messages here: [../].

data Object

Base options for all datasources created with the component method dataSource:

mixins Array

Array of mixins that extend the datasource class.

options Object

Options that will be merged in each new instance.

  • history Object

    This feature is not full implemented in version 2 yet and will not work for now!


    If true, the last started app of the user will be started right after initializing the system.


    If true, the last started app of the user will be saved in its configuration.

  • history.navigate

    If true each application that is fronted will be pushed into the browser history so the back and forward buttons will navigate to the previous and the next application.

  • stages[].stage CodeCoupler Stage Class

    The class of the stage to add.

  • stages[].options Any value

    The options that will be used to instatiate the stage class.